Adventures in Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy and science of spirit. We are one you and I; are you curious why?..


अद्वैत वेदान्त 

Advaita Vedanta.

In Sanskrit, 'dvaita' is dual.  To place 'a' before a word is to negate it.  Advaita, therefore, is non-dual, indicating singularity. Veda is knowledge; anta is end.

End of knowledge?

"Without knowing the supreme Reality, the study of the scriptures is futile.  Having known the supreme Reality, the study of the scriptures is again futile." (v.59 Vivekachoodaamanii) Knowledge is a means to an end.  When that end is achieved, what requirement is there for knowledge?

Specifically, vedanta refers to the end portion of the Veda-s (see 'Source'); however, following through the thinking and principles, putting into practice all the exercises advised, are said to result in the ultimate liberation, that of Soul Re-sourced (re-homed, an end to 'roaming'). Those who reach these heights are said to have attained मोक्ष /moksha, (realisation) and to have become जिवन्मुक्त /jiivanmukta (liberated spirits in manifest form).  These are the saints and sages, mahatmas and sadhus.

In short, to apply the philosophy of vedanta in life will result in unification of the small soul with the Greater Soul.

That is the plan.  As we know, the best laid plans...

Hurry home
Hari Om