'Freedays' are the 'gather our thoughts' days;
Q&As; a general page reviewing the week so far…
has been mentioned that Chinmaya Mission has an excellent publications
department. Within India you can go
directly to the main site HERE. Globally, CM Publications West, based in USA HERE, or the CM UK site HERE. Centres and Ashrams everywhere all hold stock
of the main texts and often will keep some of the general reading and CD/DVD
stock also.
are currently undertaking study of Sadhana Panchakam on the Aatmaavrajanam site; this pamphlet book can be
purchased to read along with the blog entries, making the sense of study more
firm. Likewise with Kindle Life.
a taster of one of the small info-books, here are scans from CONFLICTS AND CONFUSIONS, by Swamini Vimalananda.
Please do take the chance to browse the 'shelves', for these are among the most cost-effective yet valuable books you will ever find!