'Freedays' are the 'gather our thoughts' days;
Q&As; a general review of the week so far…
has again been fourteen days. How has your questioning exercise been going?
Weeded out all the 'duplicates'? Have you found it interesting to externalise
the questions/doubts which have been triggered with the exercise? It is a bit
like the floodgate analogy for many people. We can think we have but one
question… then…
Others will find even this very private exercise a challenge. There can be a
reluctance based on a number of things, but mostly, when dealing with a study
of something which might be very foreign (in every sense of the meaning) it can
simply be fear of feeling 'dumb'. Remember, there is no such thing as 'dumb' in
spiritual terms. There is only ignorance and that is not a negative thing if
you have decided to sit and listen/read to rid yourself of that avidya. If you
have not yet undertaken this exercise, start now. It is actually a very
affirmative tool.
acharya-ji, Swami Advayananda, felt that far too few of 15th batch were asking
any questions, never mind pertinent ones, he pointed out the following;
There are people who ask questions and there are
people who don't. Majority fall into latter category.
Of the people who ask questions, they are asking
in one of two ways;
- Because they genuinely do not understand, and/or are eager to clarify a point, in which case the question will usually be short and relate directly to subject, demonstrating presence of mind and keen attention; or -
- Because they want to demonstrate their existing knowledge. This too can take two forms
- To curry favour with the guru they are simply rephrasing what has already been said, wishing to appear that they have thought it through…
- To give their pre-existing and fixed view and, to do so, couch the question more like a counter-argument and usually at some length. These are the questioners who are into intellectual one-up-man-ship.
Of the people who don't ask questions there are
also sub-categories;
- Those who have knowledge, who have the capability to comprehend, but lack the self-esteem to put forward their doubts and questions. They may be so bound up in their anxiety/fear that they actually block themselves from formulating arguments and will require repetition of concepts to ensure they are fully grasped
- Those who don't have knowledge or lack the ability to comprehend during the class; this can be from fear or total lack of presence, but it is one which stops the student from focusing and thus all salient info is missed or misconstrued. Their mind is not available
- Those who have The Knowledge and for whom all the learning is familiar and affirmative. They genuinely have no doubts, no fears; they are fully attentive in class/whilst reading and the concepts are grasped at 'first contact'.
latter is quite a rare animal.
was his comprehension of our condition.
There is nothing which has not been asked before… but it may not have been
asked by you, or responded to in a way which may satisfy.
Stage Three.
back to the immediate exercise… read through all your questions again. This
time, a certain amount of assessment is to be done in terms of what and how the
questions are formed. Start with the pared down lists, then move to the page
with the 'weeds'… quite often, in the duplicates we can see how our voice grows
more adamant, more needy, more sceptical and so on. We repeat questions because we are not getting the
answer we want to hear as opposed to the answers we need to hear.
is your first clue as to how a proper question must be formulated. If one is
asking questions to affirm one's existing position or to bolster self-esteem,
it is a poorly formed question and there will only ever be more questions
arising, with no resolution.
the next fortnight comparing questions. See where the 'weeds' fit into your
questioning pattern. Whether you have one category or several categories (eg;
family, work, finance, saadhana….), now group together all related questions -
the 'power' ones plus the 'weeds' - and see whether there is one clear question
which would get to the kernel of what is really being asked. Again, spend no
more than 15 minutes per day on this. Do not over-think it. Write the newly
formed, compact questions on a fresh page, in categories if you wish… but on
this round what you may discover is a contraction of those. As you build
objectivity and clarity of your own questions, the themes will narrow down
enjoy this exercise. Have fun with it - serious fun, but fun nonetheless.