Adventures in Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy and science of spirit. We are one you and I; are you curious why?..

What Is It?

Hari Om
'Freedays' are the 'gather our thoughts' days; Q&As; a general review of the week so far…

There is one thing which is often asked about… 'what is love?' Generally it is asked from within the worldly point of view. When, in spiritual study, the capital 'ell' variety, that Divine Love, is spoken of, it is difficult to comprehend, particularly if we have not truly experienced unselfish and genuine love in the world. The desire for love in the worldly sense, is very complex. For many folk, it is simply that they are seeking validation at one level or another; they just want to be recognised. When that doesn't come their way, they feel 'unloved'. Very often, when of this turn of mind, it is almost impossible for these folk themselves to give love in its genuine form.  Here is a short video with Swami Swaroopananda on this subject.