Each 'Choose-day' we will investigate the process by
which we can reassess our activity and interaction with the world of plurality
and become more congruent within our personality.
The next text which will guide the
Choose-day posts is "Tips for Happy Living - jIvnsUÇai[
/jiivanasuutraani", by Swami Tejomayananda (Guru-ji). Choose-days writings
are here to prompt deeper thinking on the choices made on a daily basis and
seek to provide prompts for raising the standard of one's thinking and living.
This text composed in format of Sanskrit traditional teachings, speaks directly
to this purpose. As ever, the full text may be obtained from CM Publications - or your local centre
(see sidebar).
two asks us to think about performing to our potential. Why? For the simple
reason that mankind is the only animal species on the planet which has been
granted the ability to even consider this possibility. The very fact that we
are sitting here reading this text proves this. The self-awareness and the
knowledge of our own mortality ensures that we seek ways to live life better.
To be born human is a most special thing. Moving along, we now see what the
freedoms are that we humans enjoy.
karma-jnaanechccha-adi-svaatantryam-upalabdham. ||3||
Here, freedom of action, knowledge, desire and so on,
is available.
of Movement.
an inert object cannot move by its own will. Stones are stuck where they are (other than by exceptional circumstances, natural or otherwise), for there is no semblance of consciousness within them - energy yes, but awareness, none. Plants have at least very limited movement in order to grow, flourish and then revert to the ground material. Their responses are not cognitive, but purely chemical. Animal species are anchored to their territory; depending how far up the chain of evolution they are, that territory may be quite large, but the remain wholly dependent upon that environment and, whilst some adaptation may be present, it remains limited. The higher up the chain, the more there is certainly cognitive function and, research is demonstrating, there may even be some level of retained memory, self-awareness and knowledge of death in a few species; but it nothing to rival that held by the human species. Mankind has even learned, thus far, to move in space, away from the gravity of the home planet.
an inert object cannot move by its own will. Stones are stuck where they are (other than by exceptional circumstances, natural or otherwise), for there is no semblance of consciousness within them - energy yes, but awareness, none. Plants have at least very limited movement in order to grow, flourish and then revert to the ground material. Their responses are not cognitive, but purely chemical. Animal species are anchored to their territory; depending how far up the chain of evolution they are, that territory may be quite large, but the remain wholly dependent upon that environment and, whilst some adaptation may be present, it remains limited. The higher up the chain, the more there is certainly cognitive function and, research is demonstrating, there may even be some level of retained memory, self-awareness and knowledge of death in a few species; but it nothing to rival that held by the human species. Mankind has even learned, thus far, to move in space, away from the gravity of the home planet.
is another factor. Rocks and plants form no communicative bond. Animal species
are again limited by development of their respective physical equipment. Humans
alone, though, have developed control over the sounds emitted to the extent of
language as we know it and are reading it right at this moment. It is said that
animals also have 'language'; if we have pets we are inclined to talk to them
and trust that they understand all that we say… but the hard truth is that they
do not, in terms of language. The certainly understand our body emotions and
body signals and this can create the illusion. There is communication, but it
is actually working at the non-verbal level.
relates to Man's ability to adapt to just about any environment - even the cold
vacuum of space. All other creatures on this planet are tied to it and the
environment in which they evolved. Some so very much so, that with those
environs often being compromised, there are species which can no longer survive
and thus they face extinction.
very subject of our Choose-day posts! Of all the critters on Earth, Mankind has
the ultimate freedom of choice. Stones and plants have no cognitive function so
the subject of choice is irrelevant. Among animals 'choice' is tied only to
instinct. Even amongst the most high-functioning species there is no avoiding
the fact that their lives are driven by the need to eat, procreate, sleep then
do it all again. There is no desire beyond this. If at all there is 'choice'
for them, it lies only between whether to start eating their prey from the
middle or the end. Mankind, although driven by all the same instincts which are
hard-wired in the physical body, has developed intellect and intellect allows
for possibilities, for assessment… for choice. Something can be done; something
can not be done; or that something can be done differently from how another of
the species might do it. A cat knows only eat meat. A human may eat meat, but
may also choose to stick to vegetarian, vegan, or dairy diet. Effort is made
according to choice and choice is made based upon information gathered.
of Action - a birth-right.
learn, it is hoped, that with freedom comes responsibility. If we eat or drink
to excess, there is a consequence. If we learn from this we can avoid that
consequence. Therefore freedom also means being controlled. Understanding just
how much freedom can be applied in any circumstance. Freedom is not a license
to live without boundaries of decency, or to endanger others and so forth.
Freedom does not mean to live outside laws and controls. It does mean that we
can make the most of life whilst taking into account all such restraints.
Freedom is the independence each human being has to make decisions and if this
is done well, to fullest potential, much can be achieved!