Monday is AUM-day; in search of meditation
For the next stage of our investigation on
meditation, we are going to study - and practice! - japa as a means to tame the
mind and we shall investigate the Gayatri Mantra.
term 'gaayatrii' (although generally written without the double letters -
remember that these are used here to show correct pronunciation emphasis),
actually refers to a 'chchandas', a metric rhythm. Each deity will have a
gayatri mantra associated with them. The mantra which has come to be known only
as 'The' Gayatri, is actually more properly referred to as Savitri gayatri; the
mantra of the Sun Lord.
is a trend in our modern communcations services to present mantras as 'sound
waves' and there is quite a lot of pseudo-science about hitting the brain at
certain frequencies. Of course, there is basis for the science or it wouldn't
exist, but those who are cashing in are forgetting that no one wavelength will
necessarily suit everyone. We each must find the frequency/tone which gives us
the most positive relief or lift that we seek.
offerings also do a disservice to the mantras - even OM. Truth is, whatever
pitch you find, is the correct pitch for you. In the longer mantras, it is not
so much the pitch but the rhythm which creates the 'magic' within it. OM, being
a single syllable, offers so much because even the ignorant don't have to worry
about metre at all, just the breath to maximise the vibration. In full mantras,
learning the chchandas is the challenge, then learning the meaning, then
applying the mantra to saadhana in a manner such that fullest benefit can be
gained. What benefit? Spiritual, emotional, mental… and these being in order,
to some degree, physical well-being. Within the society which has known it and
observed it longest, it has been found that repetition of The Gayatri, with
correct understanding and practice, removes negative tendencies in the human
mind and can assist in self-improvement greatly.
mantra is never chanted for the purposes of material gains - nor indeed for the
physical, although this may be a side-benefit. Its invocation at its conclusion
is purely about the illumination of the being; it is a prayer unto the Self to
unveil Itself to us that we may manifest something of Its wisdom within our lives.
The Gayatri is recited on a daily basis and may be likened to the Lord's Prayer
in its importance and applicability.
mantra we undertake ought to be first learned in full metre, its meaning fully
inculcated, and then practiced with purity of heart. The Western equivalent to
this form of spiritual focus is the early chanting of nuns and monks; simple,
tonal (rather than strictly musical) chanting of scriptural or scripture-like
words. Anyone who has listened to such works is likely to experience a sense of
wanting to look up, to look within, to rise from the sorrows of life and
experience, for a short while, relief from the onslaught of daily existence.
Sublime is the best description most can give to such an experience. With
mantra chanting, in all correct conditions, this same lift and relief can be
is to be remembered also, that mantras are a form of prayer, not just a
glorification as might be found in hymns. (This was discussed in this post, so do please re-read to reaffirm
this understanding.)
do not get caught up in binaural this or that, neither the more surreal claims
of outcomes bordering on sorcery. Mantra chanting is about discipline of the
ego, strengthening the mind and developing a focus beyond the 'small'. In doing
this, one can operate more clearly and cleanly in daily life and this, itself,
can seem like magic!