Story-day is for cultural exploration, puraanas and
parables and finding out about leading lights in spiritual philosophy.
are following the text "Beyond Sorrow" in which we
explore the nature of suffering and how to manage and move through
difficulties. Now for the final words, provided by HH Pujya Paramagurudev Swami
Tapovan Saraswati Maharaj - the Sat Guru of Sw. Chinmayananda. (Again, this
essay has been summarised for presentation here and you encouraged to purchase
your own copy of the publication if you can.)

that Ultimate Truth there is no room for plurality. It is an enormity beyond
capability of most to comprehend, therefore is designated as an object with
such appellations as "God", "Ishvara" and such like. That
One Self, being conditioned into various bodies as a jiiva (individualised
segment), falls into the delusion of "I", the ego-self. When did this
mighty illusion that "I am the limited body" originate? A question
impossible to answer...if the Self, which is beyond space and time, originated
at any time, be sure the great illusion had its origin at that very same
moment. If with the help of the scriptures or logic we realise that this soul
has no beginning, how can we conceive of a beginning of illusion?
way to destroy this illusion is sought after by the wise. On its destruction,
jiivaatmaa becomes one with Aatman, Brahman… That One. The very universe, all
its elements and the things composed of them, are in a constant state of
change. How can they be permanent and real? Billions of billions of universes
with their movables and immovables once existed; if they were all real, where
have they gone now?
the universe be what it is, what is the use of investigating its nature? On the
contrary, we ought to think of that Supreme Self - Man should give up other
thoughts and concentrate upon the meditation of Brahman. Everything unreal and
dependent is of the nature of sorrow. For the unwise, untruth appears as truth.
True Bliss is Real and Eternal and not inert. The one who desires happiness
ought to seek solace and comfort in the Supreme Self. As worldly existence is
of the nature of sorrow, everyone in the world should try their utmost to
escape it. Spiritual life is the sole remedy.
does not mean that sorrow ought not to be faced. Simply by refusing to engage
oneself in worldly activity, one cannot get rid of sorrow. What would be the
state of the world if everyone became a renunciate of action? We have to
achieve happiness and peace not by running away, but by remaining fixed in the
thought of the Supreme and facing the sorrows. It is everyone's duty to do
their most to make this sorrowful world a place of joy and happiness.
up the delusion this body is the Self. This body is only inert matter like
stone and earth. It cannot function by itself; it is worked by an independent
spirit of the nature of Consciousness. Remember this always.
is the vision of God that brings all worldly sorrow to its end. Work towards
knowing "God". Sooner or later all creatures will reach that goal. It
may take ages and ages, but it is bound to happen. Even as all water ultimately
reaches the ocean, the jiivaatmaa must reach the Aatman. It is the final
resting place.