'Freedays' are the 'gather our thoughts' days;
Q&As; a general review of the week so far…
It might be observed that posts this week have had the theme of
'values', worthiness, decision-making. At an earlier date the concept of
shreyas and preyas has been explored. The paths of 'proper' and 'improper'… or,
it might be said, that which requires of us that we have some moral fibre,
whilst the other, not necessarily 'wrong', is requiring little of us in terms
of assessment, application of values.
Shreyas - the path of good - requires of us an understanding of
consequences of our thoughts and actions and keeps in mind the greater good and
high goal. To be the very best human being that we can be. Having strong value-based living can be a stabiliser - an anchor - in stormy times.
Preyas - is what most of us live to some degree. It is the path of
least resistance. It is the call of the world and our desire to answer that
call, regardless of whether or not the long-term results are good. They may be,
even in preyas, but they will certainly be tinged with a 'what is in it for me'
aspect, which can leave us open to being tricked and tossed about by life.
Shreyas is self-less. Preyas is just less… and we are all guilty of
it on a daily basis. If we are truly on the spiritual path with a goal of
Realising God, then even the decision to boil the kettle for tea can add to our
debt if we do not do so with consciousness. To put only the amount of water
required for the purpose in mind, to not waste any that is left over… to not
take it for granted… to make sure that we are 'present' in every action is the
point here. To know that water is a gift, the power to boil it a privilege and
to not abuse them by excess or overuse would be shreyas. To fill unthinkingly,
to forget it was boiled and then to reboil using more power than is necessary,
is preyas.
This may seem a silly example. However, think more - it is but one
task in every day that we do at least once. Consider that, in shreyas mode,
every task requires this sort of attention. Thus it can be seen why preyas
affects us all. We give up. Shreyas seems like hard work.
It is, however, like anything in life. The more one practices, the
easier it becomes and the more proficient we are in its application. When we
tip the balance of majority shreyas over preyas decisions and actions, when we
feel the satisfaction and see the positive results of shreyas, we gather even
more hope and impetus.
Watch yourself this weekend; take note of how, from minute to
minute, your thoughts and actions reflect self-lessness… or not…