Each 'Choose-day' we will investigate the process by
which we can reassess our activity and interaction with the world of plurality
and become more congruent within our personality.
We are reading "Tips for Happy
Living - jIvnsUÇai[
/jiivanasuutraani", by Swami Tejomayananda (Guru-ji). Choose-days writings
are here to prompt deeper thinking on the choices made on a daily basis and
seek to provide prompts for raising the standard of one's thinking and living.
This text composed in format of Sanskrit traditional teachings, speaks directly
to this purpose. As ever, the full text may be obtained from CM Publications - or your local centre
(see sidebar).
should we value Values and Valuables?
jIvnmULyain ïe:Qtrai[.3.
sMpÚ> pué; @v sMmannIyae n tu kevlae xnsMpÚ>.4.
jiivana-muulyaani shreshtataraani ||3||
sampannaH purusha eve sammaananiiyo na tu kevalo dhana-sampannaH ||4||
The values of life are greater than valuable goods.
A person endowed with them, alone, is worthy of
respect and not merely one with riches.
you wish to become a person of values, or of valuables? Merely an efficient and
rich professional, or also a good human being?
may be valuable, but values are invaluable!
often do we find that the value of goods or service results in
those offering the goods or service exploiting those who require them? A person
may be applauded for what he has, but can only be respected for who he 'is'. It can
be said that if money is lost, some 'thing' is lost; if time is lost, something
'precious' is lost; but when character is lost, 'everything' is lost. We
respect those who are upright and honest and disrespect those who act selfishly
or cruelly.
are those who would say that to possess values, one cannot also possess
valuables and that honesty does not pay. This is used as an excuse by some for
behaving less than honestly in their business dealings. Mostly, this behaviour
is hidden behind a mask of correctness and claims of being totally
'transparent' and straight. The lies are their own and in the long term it does
not pay. A dishonest businessman will often employ an honest accountant and
trusted 'second'; all the workers are only doing the job they are paid for. All
appearances are of an honest business but the intentions of the owner are
driven by pure greed and self-aggrandizement. A person with a billion dollars
may still be worthless. Values are so much more valuable and it is these alone
which build our 'worth' in life.
with values in business, then, does not preclude having valuables also. The two
are not mutually exclusive. The danger is that the desire for valuables
overtakes the values. Be ever watchful!