Each 'Choose-day' we will investigate the process by
which we can reassess our activity and interaction with the world of plurality
and become more congruent within our personality.
We are reading "Tips for Happy
Living - jIvnsUÇai[
/jiivanasuutraani", by Swami Tejomayananda (Guru-ji). Choose-days writings
are here to prompt deeper thinking on the choices made on a daily basis and
seek to provide prompts for raising the standard of one's thinking and living.
This text composed in format of Sanskrit traditional teachings, speaks directly
to this purpose. As ever, the full text may be obtained from CM Publications - or your local centre
(see sidebar).
we move now into Chapter 6 of the text, Guru-ji takes up how it is that we are
to understand our connection with items of possession. How do we prioritise our
relationship with things and beings?
k&te àai[nae n ivnaziytVya>.2.
shreshthataraaH ||1||
kRte praanino na vinaashayitavyaaH ||2||
Living beings are greater than inert objects.
Therefore, for the sake of the inert objects, living
being should not be destroyed.
the ladder of evolution, living beings are definitely superior to inert
objects. Life is precious. A scientist told God, 'You have become obsolete; we
can now create life by cloning.' God
retorted, 'Good! Try doing so with a dead cell!' Inert objects can be created
and destroyed, but 'life' cannot be created - only destroyed.
objects have their use and importance, but surely not more than life. It is
indeed sad that wars are fought and families break up for the sake of wealth
and property. Man is even willing to kill for the sake of money. 'Demons' are
still about this earth - such people value dowry more than the bride.
on this for the next seven days; how much do you possess - do you call as
'mine'. How do you feel about those objects? You think it is nothing? Try
putting them away from you for that seven days… be honest to yourself about
your reactions to this withdrawal...