Story-day is for cultural exploration, puraanas and
parables and finding out about leading lights in spiritual philosophy.

❝...what if that’s not the whole picture? In fact,
what if the point of the Transfiguration isn’t just to show how Jesus is
different from us (he’s divine) but also to show something about how he’s like
us (he’s human)? What if the glory that burst from Jesus on the mountain wasn’t
just divine glory but human glory as well—the kind of glory that all those united with
Jesus will one day share? Put another way, what if what Peter, James, and John
saw that day in the face of Jesus was a mirror image of their future selves?❞
That quote is from an article at Christianity Today. It makes an argument for looking beyond the 'flashing lights'. Which, of course, is the Vedantic approach! Returning to reading the Christian texts after studying Advaita Vedanta even at a basic level, it soon becomes apparent that Jesus made the most of his time between the ages of 12 and 30 years. If ever you have had the great blessing of meeting an Indian mahaatmaa and seeing 'the glow' in their eyes, experiencing the energy which radiates from them, then the phenomenon that was Christ is not at all difficult to accept and neither is His 'transfiguration' - He was a Realised Master and the disciples witnessed it.
It would require an entire book, or more, to draw appropriate comparison and to demonstrate how much got lost in translation, as it were, by those who sought to carry on the work of Christ; but the message is there, for those who have ears...