Adventures in Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy and science of spirit. We are one you and I; are you curious why?..

Expectation of the Student

Hari OM
Story-day is for cultural exploration, puraanas and parables and finding out about leading lights in spiritual philosophy.

Sandeepany Sadhanalaya is the ashram school which began Gurudev's great mission to ensure as many people as were capable could learn Advaita Vedanta to its fullest, in the shortest amount of time and to a level where they, in turn, were qualified to take that learning out into the wider world. Even if one never became a teacher at the end, one could not help but be deeply affected and find that life is better lived when vedanta is applied. There are a few, naturally, who don't "get it", but that's okay too. The day that the entire world is filled with people who see and experience the same thing, will be the day the world has served its purpose and will be absorbed back into the Great Unity. Until then, we must find it within ourselves to agree to disagree, (though, of course, there a those who disagree to a point that battles and wars arise - 'tis the way of things).

Last week, on Ganesh Chathurti, the seventeenth batch of students were inaugurated at Sandeepany, Mumbai. They were reminded about the Sanskrit perception about the seeker from a video clip of Gurudev. Here, for your own edification, are the words of the Master.