'Freedays' are the 'gather our thoughts' days;
Q&As; a general review of the week so far…
As Navraatri draws to a close tonight, we move into the tenth day,
Dusshera, wherein the Goddess Durga defeats the evil-eyed one (ego).
At this time also, the Jewish festival week which began with Rosh
Hashana draws to a close and the tenth day is celebrated as Yom Kippur.
Tomorrw, just a little more about that will be here, with appropriate links.
It is interesting that so many faiths have festivals which coincide
and, to some degree, relate to similar understandings of what it is to be the
best human being that we can be. It all points to a commonality of community
which is often lost in the trappings of traditions and culture. Sadly, all too
often, the differences, contained in the practices of worship, are emphasised
and the beauty of Unity is disguised and buried.
Have your faith; it is your right. Be careful, though, never to deny
another their's. Those who stand on principals of doctrine and deny the wider
community their right to worship as they choose are the very manifestation of
the evil they seek to decry…