Adventures in Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy and science of spirit. We are one you and I; are you curious why?..

Festive Season

Hari Om
'Freedays' are the 'gather our thoughts' days; Q&As; a general review of the week so far…

A busy week for many different faiths!

Shanah Tovah Umetukah to all who celebrate Rosh Hashana.

It is also Hijra Muslim new year - though it is generally considered not appropriate to initiate greetings in strict terms.

Today is also Mabon (North) or Ostata (South) for the Pagan and Wiccan faithful.

Then let us not forget (for this is, after all, a primarily Hindu page!), that last night was the first of Navraatri - the nine nights of the Goddess/Female. It is the time to worship and honour womanhood and the power-balance it generates against the male.

Greetings to all at this time!!!