Adventures in Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy and science of spirit. We are one you and I; are you curious why?..

Ganapati Prayer 1

Hari OM
'Text-days' are for delving into the words and theory of Advaita Vedanta.

There are prayers for just about everything in the Sanskrit tradition. Actually, there are prayers for everything in every other tradition - but they may not necessarily be recognised or organised as such. Then gain, often, when a prayer would be appropriate, we forget to offer it up, but in vedantic practice we (ought to!) never forget. Be it the opening of a present, the setting off on a journey, the cooking of a meal… there are indeed prayers which can be used to enhance each and every action we may carry out in our daily lives. The purpose of prayer is to focus the mind and subdue the ego; "this is the task to be done, but "I" am not the doer".

We have seen a few prayers (see the label on sidebar). This month we will investigate one of the most-used larger prayers, which masquerades as 'hymn' to some extent, and which offers deeper meanings beyond blessing of actions. It is chanted at every puja, before every endeavour of business or study or such; it is the Great Prayer of Sri Ganesha.

ïI g[ezawvRzI;R>/ Shri GaneshaatharvashiirshaH
This is a plea of blessing upon endeavours and the removal of any obstacles in our path. If we chant it with understanding and genuine humility it aids the shift within us to 'get out of our own way' and allow the process to unfold.

Now, it is next to impossible to teach you the correct chanting in this online format, so for general purpose, think only to learn the words and meanings - this is sufficient. The chanting is best left to the experts! Here is a very fine example, true to the chcchandas of Shringeri-mutt parampara - the tradition from which Chinmaya Mission arises.

Rousing chanting, you surely agree? It is done at speed and will take your ear a while to adjust, but keep it 'bookmarked' or on your 'watch later' tubular listing and make a sankalpa (vow) to listen at least once daily to this chant until next Thursday. Currently, without knowledge of the words, it will be vibration alone which you will carry with you… but that itself is powerful! From next week we shall delve into the words and their meaning.