Adventures in Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy and science of spirit. We are one you and I; are you curious why?..

Peace Supplications

Hari Om
Monday is AUM-day; in search of meditation

For the month of September we are looking at music as a focus for meditation. In this clip, no words appear to distract, you can simply fix your eyes upon the OM and other images in its centre and allow the sounds to transport you. This is pure vedica and the chants are all peace prayers. Rather than meditation as such, make this time one of contemplation on the need for peace and Love to spread around your own environment and out into the greater world. Add you own prayers into the sounds created by the pundits here; you may have no clue of the meaning of the words they say, but the essence is one of offering, submission, dedication, devotion… and Love with the capital 'ell'… 

shantiH shantiH shantiH