Adventures in Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy and science of spirit. We are one you and I; are you curious why?..

What Query?

Hari Om
Monday is AUM-day; in search of meditation

For the month of October, some revision. Each AUM-day there will be some research for you to undertake by tracking back to the beginnings of blog entries on meditation.

  1. The term 'samaadhi' has many meanings according to context. Reread the list and select six which appeal to you most.
  2. What are three key questions a serious seeker ought to be asking?
  3. Write 300-500 words on A,U,M. 

How are you going with the revision? Having fun with it? Again, this is self-driven. Only you and your conscience know what your making of this. Which is fine; it is you and your conscience alone which this work is for!