Adventures in Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy and science of spirit. We are one you and I; are you curious why?..

How Much?

Hari Om
'Freedays' are the 'gather our thoughts' days; Q&As; a general review of the week so far…

Some readers may start to wonder about studying such texts as SadaachaaraH and Mukundamala, for most of you are from the Western background with little or no relationship to Indian traditions. As well, it has been said more than once, follow your own faith path, even as you study Vedanta. How, then, can texts which advocate 'foreign' practices be of use?

Protestantism arose as a rebellion against the use of rituals and set practices, but the early Christian church, which developed into Catholicism, understood the need for 'anchors' to keep the faithful focused. The human mind, for the majority, does require this sort of thing. Those of us who think we do not require them might be surprised at the sense of calm and devotion which does arise from such practices. Do not think, either, that all must be taken on board at once. At least one, perhaps two, pointers contained in the texts will sound and feel 'right' for you at the moment. Begin there. Build as you need to.

The critical thing is to determine just how much you wish to follow a path of spiritual devotion and reflective practice.