Adventures in Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy and science of spirit. We are one you and I; are you curious why?..


Hari OM
'Freedays' are the 'gather our thoughts' days; Q&As; a general review of the week so far…

Last week you were pointed to the links of to the Chinmaya Mission's various sites. There are several others also, on the sidebar.

Then there is a selection of other places. Today, take a look at the Divine Life Society link. Swami Sivananda was the guru that newspaper reporter Balan Menon went to interview in the hope of debunking the 'swami-myth'. However, when those to towering intellects met, magic happened. Balan asked all his questions and was given answers which only engendered interest and curiosity and before he left that ashram he had determined that he wished to study there.

The atheist found the rationale which resolved many of the issues which had removed him from his disdain at the Hinduism he had been brought up in.

It was also Sivananda-ji who gave sannyasa-diksha and Balan Menon became Chinmaya. Sivananda also advised his shishya to seek still higher learning by travelling to study under the teacher of teachers, Swami Tapovanam Saraswati Maharaj.

The DLS is a Vedantic organisation that also has a strong focus on ashtanga yoga. The website has lots of interesting history and information and also offers a substantial amount of free reading material. Much of it very practical for daily saadhana and insight.