Adventures in Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy and science of spirit. We are one you and I; are you curious why?..

Shreyas Preyas Balance

Hari OM
Each 'Choose-day' we will investigate the process by which we can reassess our activity and interaction with the world of plurality.

This month we are looking more closely at SHREYAS and PREYAS.

We have seen that shreyas is best chosen over preyas when it comes to making decisions in life and it is important to know that this applies at all levels of choice, be that from the food and drink we imbibe all the way through to where we live, work or play.

Now, there are going to be those who say that they 'did not have a choice'. The hard fact is, even in the leanest and meanest of circumstances, there is still a choice. It won't necessarily be easy, but choice does always exist. No one is saying that in circumstances of war or impoverished conditions that one ought not to serve the short-term needs for survival. That goes far beyond the individual purpose in life. That being said, though, it is not difficult to find stories from wartime and from the slums of the world, of people who make decisions which can be classed as shreyas in quality; decisions which are unselfish, holistic and ultimately better for the spirit of that individual.

Choice exists in everything that we do. "Shall I rise now and get that packet of potato chips?" Could I have fruit instead? This is not a flippant thing. It has been said before if we cannot apply shreyas and preyas to even this basic function in life, how will we know how to apply it when the real tests come?

Are we to deny ourselves all pleasure then? No. This is not about denying pleasure. It is about 'measuring pleasure'. Knowing pleasure even from that which is less desired in the first moment. The fruit when taken is every bit as satisfying - because we are likely to have bought fruit with preyas in mind. That is to say, did we buy oranges when we don't like them or are allergic to them? Of course not! The fruit in the bowl has come to us because we answered preyas, but at a level which will lead to shreyas in our daily eating. We have the choice of what to watch. There is plenty of viewing which is nourishing to our intellect, our heart, our entertainment, without being insulted or exposed to the meaningless and gratuitous. This does not mean that we should shelter ourselves from the unfortunate things which happen in life. Part of shreyas is to be informed therefore watching challenging documentaries about poverty, housing, or other such things is fine. Watching voyeuristic shows which purport to be 'reality teevee' would certainly fall under preyas classification.

Is this making sense to you? Be aware, this is not about looking at others' decisions, but purely a self-assessment. If the family opt for watching the 'shoot em up and gun em down' sorts of movies, fine - you make the decision to go to another room. You'd rather be vegetarian but the others are carnivores? Okay, ask to reserve the top shelf for your stuff and have your own set of pans. Attend to your own needs so as not to inconvenience others in the household. Are the folk around you prone to foul language? Okay - but whether you engage in such is your choice and yours alone.

When it comes to saadhana, shreyas ensures we have the discipline for morning and evening prayers as well as some time allotted for reading appropriate texts and meditating. It does not permit preyas to say it's okay to skip this morning and get back to it tomorrow…

We may have not heard these words before, but we have experienced their effects all our lives!