Adventures in Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy and science of spirit. We are one you and I; are you curious why?..


Hari OM
Each 'Choose-day' we will investigate the process by which we can reassess our activity and interaction with the world of plurality.

Choice, in daily life, can come with a sense of weight, for we may have to consider others in making our choices. Even the food we buy for the family home has to reflect, to some extent, the tastes and perhaps the health of our family members. Doing something at work, or not doing it, may affect other people in the workplace, or the very business itself.

The one situation where choice is entirely ours is in philosophy and spirit. How we choose to view the world - the lens we look through - will affect those daily choices. Therefore it makes sense, does it not, to opt for a regime which enhances the experience of choice. One which explains how objects, emotions and thoughts factor into our personality and teaches us how we can step back, make a proper assessment and, then, be sure that at any given moment, we are making the best choice we can in the prevailing circumstances. Be that with diet, hobbies and interests, interactions with other people, at work and within the community.

Vedanta teaches that in the flux of existence, there is only one, steady constant. The Self. That which witnesses and which we interpret as "I". Who is this "I"? This is the ultimate question.

Ponder on this.