Adventures in Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy and science of spirit. We are one you and I; are you curious why?..


Hari Om
Monday is AUM-day; in search of meditation

Have you taken today as a holiday? Was the plan to 'veg out' and forget about the world? Or are you using this time to reflect and research your motivations, purpose, plans?

If you are here reading this, it is likely to be the latter, even if you are a bit vague about it! Take an hour today to sit with yourself alone, removing all distractions of radio, television, phone, computer… family. Yes, close that door, make a deal if you have to, but take that hour and use it well.

Place a notebook and a pen before you. Sit in asana, use prana and OM. Still yourself. Empty your mind of all but the image of your ishta devata or simply the OM itself.

Ask. Ask again. Ask only for guidance. Write down whatever - whatever! - comes through and which you can determine was unbidden from your own thoughts. Listen for that inner guru and be open to receive its message. Question not. Just note. Close the book at the end of the hour. Leave it by your altar/sacred space and carry on with your holiday. Come back to the book when you visit here next week...

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