Adventures in Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy and science of spirit. We are one you and I; are you curious why?..

Knowing the Known

Hari OM
Application - that is what 'Workings-days' are about!

For as long as it takes to complete it, we are going to be using today as well as Text-days to fulfil study of the SadaachaaraH. If you have not been following that text, then use the relevant label to go back to the beginning. It is, as might be surmised from its title, about how to go about saadhana, but also explores more of the Sanskrit philosophy; it is therefore both a 'working' as well as a 'thinking' text.

In shloka 21 it was said, "I am Pure Knowledge". This is the capital 'k' kind - not that which is normally understood or referred to. That is to say, mostly we think of knowledge as consisting of information, words and thoughts available from books, internet, other people. If it is not this kind of knowledge, what is it?

s»Lpsai] yJ}an< svRlaekEkjIvnm!,
tdevaSmIit yae ved s mu´ae naÇ s<zy>.31.
Sankalpa-saakshi yajjnaanam sarvalokaika-jiivanam,
Tadevaasmiiti yo veda sa mukto naatra samshayaH ||31||
One who knows that Knowledge which is the Witness of all thoughts and the One Life Principle of all beings as 'that alone am I', he alone is liberated. There is no doubt about this matter.

Currently, we understand knowledge as the gaining of information that was not previously there, through contact with external factors (objects of knowledge). We are the 'knower', objects are to be 'known' through the process of 'knowing'. However, this shloka clarifies that there is an awareness level, a part of our being which understands that we understand - known as the saakshi (witness). It is this which is called Pure Knowledge. This is the Awareness which is actually experienced as the "I" which can never become an object itself. Not in terms of ownership, i.e. the ego "I", but the pure, experience and knowledge of beingness. That "I".

An example that is often used to help grasp this subtle concept is the electricity and the bulb. The bulb is representative of 'me' the individual. All the facility is contained in the physical form there to provide light but yet it does not. This can only happen when electricity enters the physical. Electricity can be called as the 'life' of the bulb.

Similarly, that which makes us 'glow' is Consciousness, the Awareness of Pure Knowledge. Universal electricity, if you will.

We think of the pranas (all the biology) as the supporting of life in our bodies. However, those things alone do not make us who we are; they are mere matter. What makes the difference is the spark of power the causes the matter to activate, just as the electric does in the bulb. Even the most basic living organism, though it may have no level of intelligence, still has the spark of life within it. Universal Electricity is essential to life. It is in every blade of grass, in every stone, even. We are connected to each other, to every living thing, through this incredible unifying factor of Consciousness, the Ultimate Knowledge.

Only when the seeker can fully accept and integrate his or herself with this understanding - a highly advanced level of awareness - can they be called 'mukti' - an enlightened one. It is the Final Knowledge which, after knowing, all else becomes known and no ignorance remains.