Adventures in Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy and science of spirit. We are one you and I; are you curious why?..

Reflections on Discourse; 3

Hari OM

From Monday April 8th to Friday April 12th 2019, Pujya Swami Swaroopananda-ji presented evening discourses to the public at the Merrylands Civic Centre, NSW Australia. The focus of his talks this year was Chapter 2 of the Bhagavad Gita, and more specifically, shlokas 1-32. Some of the learning and insights will be shared over a number of posts.

The question which often comes up in satsang when these early verses of the Gita are addressed, is, "how exactly does this relate to my/our life? We are not fighting a war."

This is an example of the listener not having heard that the 'battlefield' is within. The history given in the Mahaabharata and Raamaayana may appear mythical, but that is not the relevant thing to the individual hearing them. What is important to understand are the examples and lessons contained deep in their words and scenarios.

When Arjuna bowed to Krishna who, until then, he knew only as a friend, confidant and fellow soldier, he placed himself in a virtual satsang. He was at the feet of a Master, a wise and beloved helper. In this fast and furious world of the 21st century, to have such a constant and compassionate friend might seem almost foreign. Friendship itself has become something of a tradable commodity. Many may go through life without ever truly knowing the depth of this kind of connection. This entire society now has set itself upon whether one is 'liked' or 'unliked'. Words such as love and hate have become cheapened in value also, and are bandied about with no real significance, yet causing every bit the costly damage that they can when treated carelessly.

Not in a war, you say? Of course we are! Every day, in every way, we must battle the lowering of values. Firstly within ourselves, then as an example for others.

This is what Krishna seeks to convey to Arjuna as he points out The Awareness which watches all this happening is unable to be harmed, indeed is indifferent to the play. It is just there. Being. We Are That Awareness. The 'we' who think individually are doing so purely because we are trapped in the delusion that the flesh and bone, the circulation, the seeing, smelling, touching, tasting and hearing, the thinking and the 'feeling' are what we are. None of these things is us. They are merely augmentations through which the Aatmaa can experience and play.

Therefore, if we have any wisdom at all, we will seek to quell our desires and tastes, flatten our likes and dislikes, decide not to suffer with heat or cold, ignore the barbs of others… but if, on occasion, it becomes necessary to react, let it be so with the understanding that whatever comes about, in terms of the Aatmaa, nothing matters, nothing is permanent but that Aatmaa itself and even death is an illusion.

These are big concepts. They are repeated throughout Sanskrit literature, but nowhere are they more delightfully conveyed than in the Gita through the exchange between Shri Krishna and Prince Arjuna.

Esoteric? Yes. Impractical? No! At all times we must find the example which points to the action we can take to bring philosophy to life.