Adventures in Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy and science of spirit. We are one you and I; are you curious why?..

Remembrance and Reverance

Hari OM

Story-day is for cultural exploration, puraanas and parables and finding out about leading lights in spiritual philosophy.

Do you ever wonder at why there are festival days in virtually every cultural/spiritual philosophy? Take this month, for example. The interfaith calendar tells us:
Martyrdom of the Bab  - Baha'i
St Benedict Day - Catholic Christian
Obon (Ulambana)  - Buddhist/Shinto  
St. Vladimir the Great Day - Orthodox Christian
Asalha Puja Day  - Buddhist
Pioneer Day- Mormon Christian
St. James the Great Day - Christian

Every month is filled with celebrations of one kind or another. There are some which didn't get listed here. What purpose do they serve?

Well, there is the obvious thing of remembrance of a great event, leader or teacher. This shows respect and reverence. Then there is the joining together as a community with a common focus. This always brings an exponential quality to such things. Even if one is not able to join a group, sitting in contemplation of the focus of the given day brings one's mind and energy into the 'pool', as it were and a sense of joy or peace can arise.

Thirdly, there is the personal connection of the devotee and the person or event of focus. This is arguably the most important aspect. Every person who is on the path of inner search requires resting places. It is necessary to be prompted and reminded of why we are doing what we are doing and to have some form of example to hold up as a beacon to keep us on our path.

It would be wonderful indeed if we were sufficiently balanced and advanced in our mental skills to not require such things. However, in the end, we are mere mortals. We suffer with the attachments of life and distractions of the world and without our saints and sages and 'small gods' to whom we can surrender our ego, whom we can have present in the form of an image or statue, we can become scattered and lost. We become easy pickings for the lower values in life.

Yet, even with these things, we can go adrift! There is the danger of taking them for granted. At all times the focus is dependent upon our own determination.

Be aware. Be mindful. Do not look upon the festivals of your tradition merely as 'holidays from work' or days for feasting only without a care for why. No matter the celebration, remember and revere.