Adventures in Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy and science of spirit. We are one you and I; are you curious why?..

Revisit - Anew

Hari OM
Application - that is what 'Workings-days' are about!

In looking for ways to make a philosophy of life practical, we do need to have a solid grasp of what our particular philosophy is. Here at AV-bloggy, the emphasis is on Advaita Vedanta and its texts, but it is not exclusively so. The Bible is used here as a comparative study, but it could equally be the central writings of Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Daoism and so on.

One of the things that behooves any serious seeker is to read widely and beyond the known and personal preference. In doing this, it is found, without fail, that the core values taught in each of the major traditions are one and the same.

Walk lightly upon the earth
Love and respect for each other
Hospitality to all

It was during a random search recently that one's attention was taken by a reference to the book of Leviticus in the Old Testament. Not one which is often read, it has to be admitted. It is one of the Pentateuch, the five books which make up the Torah, central to Judaism. Various laws and rites are cited as given by God to Moses. Now, irrespective of whether one subscribes to a 'lawgiver lord' or not, the common sense and wisdom of much of the given instructions cannot be denied. The verse which caught this reader's attention was number 34 of chapter 19.

Indeed, this entire chapter leans towards the matter of respect and consideration of others. It bears a visit if you have not been there for a while. Or ever. Make that your saadhana before sleeping tonight. Take notes. Never forget the little notebook!