Story-day is for cultural exploration, puraanas and
parables and finding out about leading lights in spiritual philosophy.
Gurus come in all guises. This is the basis of
Sri Dattarreya whose jayanti was recently. Yesterday, it was mentioned that
through the postulation of Quantum Theory, Max Planck proved himself to have a
grasp of the universe which matched that of the Rsis of ancient times, who left
us the legacy of the Upanishads. Science, inch by inch, is finding its way back
to the source, it is beginning to glimpse the Truth given out by the founders
of Vedantic philosophy.

The basis of quantum is that nothing exists until it is perceived. Thus, if we alter our method of perception, or our attitude to what is perceived, the item being perceived reflects that alteration. How does this apply? Let the proverb "one man's meat is another man's poison" stand as an example. We know that not everyone has the same sensations in response to the same item. At the most fundamental level this is to do with our attitude in perception. If we are going hungry we can over-ride our aversion. Altering our perception (for whatever purpose) permits acceptance.... or the reverse.
In Vedanta, this is well understood through the concept of Maya; nature and life are malleable according to where we stand within them.
Vedanta repeatedly emphasises that the pursuit of Knowledge is both desirable and rewarding. By applying the principles it gives, taking on the experimentation of life it provides, even if not reaching to the very highest goal, it is in the seeking that joy is found. This third quote from this giant of science affirms this.
...You get the gist! Here are a few more goodies...

The pursuit of philosophical knowledge as handed down by the Rsis, then, is noble and worthwhile. Along the way we will find places of respite, joy and amazement. We may even find the end...