Adventures in Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy and science of spirit. We are one you and I; are you curious why?..

From This Arose...

Hari OM

Text-days' are for delving into the words and theory of Advaita Vedanta.

[You are reminded that reviewing the previous week's posts will become essential as the meanings of the Sanskrit terms may not be repeated. There may come additional or alternative meanings, but all should be noted. As study progresses, the technical terms must necessarily become 'second nature' to the student. When the Sanskrit is used, the translation will fall easily into place - or likewise, if the English is used, the Sanskrit term must easily come forwards.]

Please revisit THIS post and chant the mangala-charana. Please use the TattvabodhaH label to access all posts relevant to this text.

We saw last week that from the sattva guna the antaH-karana evolved. Next comes rajo-guna, which is characterised by activity. The five organs of action respond to the world by activating the body and the five praanas supply power to all the functions of the body, keeping it alive through physiological functions. This requires constant monitoring and fluctuating of systems, which is activity, and therefore all these functions relate to the rajo-guna.

Nothing needs be said here of the biology; what is important to note is that - at this point - we are still talking of the nascent quality of the organs, their subtle quality. Along with antaH-karana, they constitute the suukshma shariira. They are not actually of the physical world, but are the connecting fibres, as it were.

This leaves the aspect of Maya which gives rise to the gross world; tamo-guna. We shall explore this next week; today, the suutras for rajas and tamas and a connector.

एतेषां पञ्चतत्त्वानां मध्ये आकाशस्य राजसांशात्
वागिन्द्रियं संभूतम्। वायोः राजसाशत् पाणीन्द्रिय्ं संभूतम्।
वह्नेः राजसांशात् पादेन्द्रियं संभूतम्। जलस्य राजसांशात्
उपस्थेन्द्रियं संभूतम्। पृथिव्या राजसांशात् गुदेन्द्रियं संभूतम्।
एतेषां स्मष्टिराजसांशात् पञ्चप्राणाः संभूताः।
eteSaaM pa~ncatattvaanaaM madhye aakaashasya raajasaaMshaat vaagindriyaM saMbhuutam. vaayooH raajasaashat paaNiindriyM saMbhuutam. vahneeH raajasaaMshaat paadendriyaM saMbhuutam. jalasya raajasaaMshaat upasthendriyaM saMbhuutam. pR^ithivyaa raajasaaMshaat gudendriyaM saMbhuutam. eteSaaM smaSTiraajasaaMshaat pa~ncapraaNaaH saMbhuutaaH.

"Among these five elements, from the rajas aspect of space the organ of speech is formed. From the rajas aspect of air the organ of grasping (the hands) is formed. From the rajas aspect of fire the organ of locomotion (legs) are formed. From the rajas aspect of water the organ of procreation is formed. From the rajasic aspect of earth the anus is formed. From the total rajas aspect of these five elements the five vital airs are formed."

एतेषां पञ्चतत्त्वानां मध्ये तामसांशत्
पञ्चीकृतपञ्चतत्त्वानि भवन्ति।
पञ्चीकरणं कथम् इति चेत्। एतेषां पञ्चमहाभूतानां
तमसांशस्वरूपम् एकमेकं भूतं द्विधा विभज्य
एकमेकमर्धं पृथक् तूष्णीं व्यवस्थाप्य अपरमपरमर्धं
चेतुर्धा विभज्य् स्वार्धमन्येषु अर्धेषु स्वभागचतुष्टय-
संयोजनम् कार्यम्। तदा पञ्चीकरणं भवति।
एतेभ्यः पञ्चीकृतपञ्चमहाभूतेभ्यः स्थूलशरीरं भवति।
eteSaaM pa~ncatattvaanaaM madhye taamasaaMshat
pa~nciikR^itapa~ncatattvaani bhavanti.
pa~nciikaraNaM katham iti cet. eteSaaM pa~ncamahaabhuutaanaaM
tamasaaMshasvaruupam ekamekaM bhuutaM dvidhaa vibhajya
ekamekamardhaM pR^ithak tuuSNiiM vyavasthaapya aparamaparamardhaM
ceturdhaa vibhajy svaardhamanyeSu ardheSu svabhaagacatuSTaya-
saMyojanam kaaryam. tadaa pa~nciikaraNaM bhavati.
etebhyaH pa~nciikR^itapa~ncamahaabhuutebhyaH sthuulashariiraM bhavati.

"From the tamas aspect of these five elements, the grossified elements are born. If it is asked how the creation of the five takes place it is as follows; the tamas aspect of each element divides into two equal parts; one half of each remains intact; the other half of the each gets divided into four equal parts; then to the intact half of one element, one eighth portion from each of the other elements is joined. Then panchikarana is complete. From these five grossified elements, the gross body is formed."

एवं पिण्डब्रह्माण्डयोरैक्यं संभूतम्।
evaM piNDabrahmaaNDayoraikyaM saMbhuutam.

"Thus, there is identity between the microcosm and the macrocosm."

...panic not! Befitting all good science classes, there will be charts...