Monday is AUM-day; in search of meditation.
Meditation & Life, with Sw. Chinmayananda
We are now exploring the writings of Gurudev on our focus subject of
Meditation. The book is a thorough treatment of the subject and extends to over
170 pages of closely printed text. No attempt is intended, here, to present the
text in its entirety. However, important paragraphs and quotes will
be given, within a summary of each section. You
are encouraged to use the links on sidebar to obtain a copy for yourselves from
CM publications. Please remember that each of the posts under this title is part of a
thought flow and it is important to go back and read the previous post in order
to refresh and review the context.
Character Is The Man.
A particular recording plays a particular song due to the patter of
sound laid upon it. The difference between two recordings, both of same
substance materially, is the nature of the sounds laid on each, imprinted onto
the material substratum, be it vinyl, tape or digital media. The nature of the
recording, as such, is entirely its own and no blame can be laid on the
material component if that recording falls short of desirability. The
recordings are entombed upon the material base, to be resurrected as sound only
when 'played'; the recording is the 'character' of the item known as disc or
music file.
Actions; Solidified Thoughts.
People, too, have their distinguishing marks determining their
character. There are of course the clear physical differences - but those are
not the character per se. Yet we are inclined to attribute certain
characteristics dependent on how we perceive the exterior, right or wrong. A
large and bullish fellow may not, after all, be a threat to us if, inside, he
is a mummy's boy and somewhat cowardly! Some of the most feminine and slightly
built ladies of history have packed an enormous punch. The real difference,
that which is our character, is what makes us who we are and it is how we
'play' in life that demonstrates that character.
Over our physical body, reigns the mind. In the mind thoughts flow
ceaselessly. They leave impressions, like the recording. These are called in
Vedanta as /vaasanas. These form our repetitive patterns… "as we think, so
we become."
It is the difference in thoughts which distinguishes person from
person. Beside these deeper 'grooves',
the physical body makes little difference to our character. The body is merely
an instrument, a vehicle for the vaasanas to operate through. Indeed, strength
of character can over-ride the body, no matter its condition. Not say that a
strong body is not a positive asset, but a strong mind is a valuable
possession. Without the flute player, the flute is nothing more than a hollow
reed. Don't pamper the body by doping the mind; neither ought one to honour
mind alone, neglecting the body. Like hand in glove, they ought to work through
Obviously, then, the way to influence a person is through his or her
thoughts. This is where books, lectures, discourses and discussions play a key
role in all efforts at self-perfection. However none of these holds any benefit
unless what is learned is applied in life. The more deeply impressed the mind
is with anything heard and learned, the more likely we are to make efforts at
self-change. It has to break the lines of erroneous thinking set by our
vaasanas, and rewrite our 'recording channels'. From animal-man, we can rise to
man-man and, with good will and God's will, move into Divinity.
Our thoughts create our world. This is the message. Action is the
'endgame' of thought.
When thoughts are changed, a person's character is transformed. It
is not that the personality is lost, but the behaviours improve. The essential
'person' will remain as there is praraabdha to play out. However, changing
thought channels is not at all easy. Transformation of character is not at all
easy. Despite this, the Rsis long ago discovered the subtle art of taming the
mind to enable this re-channeling. It is the art of meditation.
Making the Mind Pliable for Remolding.
Our thoughts are stubborn and generally will resist any attempts to
remake them in a better image. Force is ineffective; the mind either shatters
or rebels forcefully in return. However, if the vase is first heated, it
becomes pliable and can be reshaped. Similarly the stubborn mind can be
rendered pliable and the 'heat' to apply is reverence.
Most of us lack reverence; we generally understand this as an
intellectual appreciation of, or an emotional appeal for, the spiritual ideal.
Neither is the reverence, in fact. It requires both together to form a genuine
reverence; the intellect to understand the concepts of spiritual matters and
the heart of Love and Devotion which arises from the intellectual connection.
Reverence bonds us to the revered; 'oneness' arrives. Thus we are told that,
before entering meditation, one must invoke a reverential attitude of total
surrender and supreme devotion to the guru. When our personality is in attitude
of reverential dedication unto the Lord, or surrender to the teacher, our
nature becomes available for recasting into the nobler mold. To apply this
concept via intellect only cannot provide reward for it is devoid of feeling.
The intellect is required to bring one to the feet of the Lord/guru, but then
the heart must be released and prostration of our ego-self before the Masters
is required. Cry out for guidance, light, Knowledge and courage. The mind will
then become pliable enough to change channels.
Examples of such a plea; "Guide me, lead me, show me the goal.
Give me the strength to walk the path. My imperfections are many, but I yearn
for You my Lord; be my guide!" or "Almighty and most Merciful Father,
I have erred and am lost like a sheep. I have left undone those things that
ought to be done, and done those which ought not. O Lord of Mercy, spare me.
Restore me, your penitent servant, according to Thy promise declared through
Christ Jesus. Grant, for His sake, that I may hereafter live a more righteous
life to the glory of Thy Name. Amen."