Adventures in Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy and science of spirit. We are one you and I; are you curious why?..

Yada Yada Yada...

Hari Om

Each 'Choose-day' we will investigate the process by which we can reassess our activity and interaction with the world of plurality and become more congruent within our personality.

We are reading the small booklet called "Not Too Loose, Not Too tight - Just right!" This is written by Swamini Vimalananda, and gives a very general overview of Vedanta for the beginner, with emphasis on the sattvic, rajasic and tamasic approaches to life. Remember, we are a mixture of all; use this as your mirror.

भाषते /bhaashate - talk.

How and when we talk reflects the state of our mind.

Sattvic; a sattvic person thinks and then talks. His words are gentle, kind, truthful, well-meaning and appropriate. One in a sattvic mood talks about concepts, noble thoughts, elevating experiences or subtle subjects. Such a person questions and discusses to arrive at the truths of a matter; debate rather than argumentations.

Rajasic; a rajasic person either talks too  much or too hastily. Their words are often manipulative, flattering or meant to impress. One in a rajasic mood talks about events, enjoyments, ones' own glory or revels in the criticism of others. They will argue about issues to prove themselves correct, or to prove others wrong.

Tamasic; a tamasic person speaks without thinking. The words may be harsh, irresponsible, mean or cruel. Such a person may use abusive language or be in the habit of cursing. On in tamasic mood backbites, gossips, pulls down or makes fun of others in a demeaning manner.

AVblog note: Such a short post - but one with a very wide scope! In this age of everything becoming faster and faster - including speech - we can all too easily loose sight of the need to process thought before uttering a word. Even the best-intentioned responses and utterances can land us in trouble if we are too hasty or careless!  It is also true, that oftentimes we may not know what effect our words have had. Whilst it is true that each of us also is responsible for processing what we hear (and that too can be affected by our prevailing guna), and have the choice about how to 'take' any comment or discussion, it is imperative, at the very least, that we keep our own responses as close to the sattvic as possible, if for no other reason than to have a clear conscience. Think on this!

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