Application - that is what 'Workings-days' are about!
This is the title of a publication from CM which,
whilst it of course has items by Gurudev, also includes selections of writing
from other well-esteemed Gurus from the Vedantic tradition as well as leading
businessmen. Its focus is the working life. We shall be exploring these essays
for the next few weeks on Workings-day as, clearly, they pertain directly to
the premise of this section of AVBlog! As ever, you are encouraged to read back over previous
posts, to ensure full benefit.
Part 2:Fulfillment Through work
Efficiency in Action (Gurudev), cont'd
Expressing Ideals in Action.
day we face decisions and temptations. Although we may have high ideals, if our
strength of conviction is weak, we compromise easily. Supposing you see a man
walking in a busy street. Due to preoccupation, he does not notice his wallet
fall. You pick up the wallet and realise it is full of money. Will you think
"no one has seen me, let me pocket this", or will it be "Hoi
Sir, you wallet has fallen!" and follow him to ensure safe return? There
is complete freedom to go either way on this occasion; what determines your
response? Your intentions, ideals, education and other factors all come
together to determine the resultant action taken. One of the pitfalls even for
the relatively virtuous is justification. …"for the past month I have
prayed to the Lord for some break in the clouds that I might have improved
wealth and look! He provides on the street itself!"

our actions depend upon the type of ideals in our mind and intellect. The way
in which we behave in the world is altered, controlled and regulated by the
type of ideals and vaasanas we carry. The question now comes, is it possible to
modify these ideals and tendencies in order to improve our behaviour and raise
our standards; not for show but for our own spiritual purpose? The nobler the
ideal, the finer will be the action. Quality over quantity and beauty within
the actions are what we would all prefer to think we have. Therefore, it seems
obvious that we must shore up our ideals, as being the basis from which we
spirit of freedom, of reverence and of sacrifice for the common good are all
inspiring ideals. The higher an ideal, the more likely the actions too will be
noble. When the motivation in one's mind is selfish, even though the work may
be successfully accomplished, then it amounts to little more than and act of
theft and can yield no lasting benefit to the individual and certainly none to
the community.
says that work can bring forth real, enduring results not merely because of the
quantity of effort put forth, but also due to the quality of inspiration
present when undertaking the work. The greater the ideal, the brighter is the
action and its results. How much greater, then, can be the results when we are
inspired by the Divine only? It funds an energy and vitality like no other
ideal. There are certain events in life which can demonstrate this; say your
spouse or child has fallen seriously ill at home. You cannot take leave from
work. Your family take their care shift in the day and you take your turn at
night, when not at work. For months together you may have to do this, operating
on absolute minimum sleep. Yet, out of the sheer love and devotion to that dear
one, you are able to do this. It is a drain on you, certainly, but never for
moment do you think that you will not do this thing. Where did the energy come
from to cope? Such are available, locked away within us. Tapping into that intense
Love and devotion is what is required for the Divine life.
a vision, that tremendous ideal of inspiration, then surrendering oneself to
it, seems to be the secret for discovering the dynamism in our activities. Each
one will have to discover their own goal. There was a time when the ideal was
dharma; spirituality was a normal and accepted motivator in life. Today it is
much less so. Today, the emphasis is on technology and rationalism. This,
however, provides the workplace as the opportunity to worship; make one small
space in your office, on your desk, which is sacred and a point of focus for
remembering Divinity. Dedicate all work to that. You alone can discover the
energy and enthusiasm within yourself to do this. In making the decision to
work this way, you will begin to feel the rewards, not in cash, but in the
spirit of joy at completion of tasks in the name of Divinity and the greater
energy of the heart for performing in the world.