Adventures in Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy and science of spirit. We are one you and I; are you curious why?..

See The Application

Hari OM
Each 'Choose-day' we will investigate the process by which we can reassess our activity and interaction with the world of plurality.

Having looked at the BMI chart in more detail, the whole process of our 'activity and interaction with the world of plurality' ought to be much more apparent to you!

Understanding the underlying drivers, the motivations and triggers within our personality, is a large part of the spiritual and psychological battle which helps us to make the necessary alterations and improvements. Not just for our everyday life but for the long-term benefit of our spirit self - the jiiva.

The thing is, even if you do not subscribe to the notion of 'soul' as an entity, such self-improvements can only ever be beneficial. It is through the BMI chart that we can see how Advaita Vedanta is not about religion, but about simply living.

Religion, by definition, is repetition. Therefore, it is by repetition of spiritual practices that one becomes what is commonly referred to as 'religious'. The texts which guide us in the saadhana, which advocate for higher standards and self-assessment, which provide the pointers to something worth the working for, become known as religious texts (scripture/shaastra) by virtue of the number for repetitions of recital and application made from them.

Studying any subject to its ultimate end - or discovering there is no final end - can be considered a religious activity. If we are focused, determined, dedicated and willing to go over the territory as many times as makes the difference to furthering our understanding and experience, then we can be said to religious in our attention to that subject.

Then, ultimately, it is not the number of times we read a thing, it is the moment when we let that thing 'read' us, that Knowledge arrives. The realisation of that permits us to move forward.

Even the scriptures are but external Objects, which we must Experience and Think about. Within our Bodies, the Mind and the Intellect must be engaged in the Perception of the words, how they make us Feel and then on to proper rumination, full Thinking (contemplation) in order to absorb what we can to affect the Vasanas that brought us to this life. If we do this well, finally, we may return to OM.