Adventures in Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy and science of spirit. We are one you and I; are you curious why?..


Hari OM
'Freedays' are the 'gather our thoughts' days; Q&As; a general review of the week so far…

As we approach the fifth anniversary of Aatmaavraajanam blog starting up, consideration is being given as to 'where to from here?'

The reason for this is that we have covered a good deal of the prakarana and basic introductory practices. It was initially envisioned that there would be a good deal more discussion via comments or email. However, this has not taken place to the extent one would have hoped or wished.

It is a recognised thing that many people feel nervous to ask questions or enter debates. However, NOT asking questions will result in your missing out on gaining full insight. If questions are not arising, how much thought is going on, really? How intense is the curiosity? Advaita Vedanta is a complex subject. It is vital indeed to ask those questions! Do not worry about whether it seems inconsequential. Fret not about how you might 'look' to the teacher or other students. Drop the ego and allow the information to fully absorb so that questions will automatically pop up.

It is possible for a pilot to get his plane from A to B by just looking out the window and trusting his own instruments. How much easier it is, though, when air traffic control provides correct coordinates and instructions to follow! The chance of mishap or landing in a totally foreign place is much reduced.

Before thinking of flying, however, that pilot needs to have undergone all the basic training and practiced, practiced, practiced!

The premise of this blog, from the perspective of this teacher, was that it serve as part of her own saadhana. Encouraging others to saadhana has been part of that. Saadhana - daily practice according to set principles - is the key to grasping the benefits of researching this philosophy. Maintaining saadhana can be a challenge in the same way that physical exercise can be; then again, exercise can become addictive, so why cannot saadhana also?!

To this end, thought is being given as to how this blog might now shift a little more towards the practical application - probably through questioning and exploration of the instructions of the Masters. Until this thought is fully realised, you will note something of a 'holding pattern' in the posts. There may be new texts which support the concept - one that comes to mind is the Prashnopanishad - the Upanishad of questioning! However, time is required to review and evaluate how best this blog can continue to be useful and to have a purpose for its continued existence.