Adventures in Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy and science of spirit. We are one you and I; are you curious why?..

K v. P... What's It To Be? Pt 2

Hari OM

Story-day is for cultural exploration, puraanas and parables and finding out about leading lights in spiritual philosophy.

Last week we read the first half of a discussion by Gurudev on the matter of Karma versus Prarabdha. Today, the conclusion.

The mind is made up of a soft matter, as it were. As each thought passes through it, an ‘impression’ is left, on the mind-stuff like a scratch and when similar thoughts are repeated, it deepens into a canal. Every subsequent thought wave has got a tendency to flow through that ready-made thought-canal. Thus, if the impression or the canal made is of good thought-waves, then a good character is maintained and strengthened by the subsequent thought-waves flowing irresistibly in that direction.

Let us take an example and examine the working of the mind. If you have got a tendency to get angry and want to nut out that tendency you should first of all feel sorrowful or repentant about it. Then you will have already suppressed the anger to some extent. Of course, pent-up anger will burst forth at a later date if you merely suppress it. But, if you be intelligent, you should divert that anger-energy into some other profitable direction. You should not succumb to the anger-weakness, meekly saying, “It is my Prarabdha.”

Carve out a new canal in your mind with repeated good thought-waves. Repeat to yourself, ‘I love all - I am very, very tolerant.’ Go on repeating the self-suggestive thoughts, ‘I am kind, I will never get angry, I am tolerant,’ etc., and in a very short time, you will observe that you have no anger at all in your mental make-up. First of all, you should cognise things. Be aware of your weakness. Be fully aware of them. Man is his mind. He is the very composition of his mind. When one performs some actions, repeatedly, one’s mind gets fixed with certain impressions. It is in a world of reactions related to the outer world-of-objects that we live. The quality of one’s experiences depends upon the quality of the mind which one brings up to undergo the experience. The mind, being what it is, is ordered and set by the various impressions, it has gathered in its different transactions in Life. Thus, when we control and chasten the motives and thoughts in the mind, we purify it. Each moment of our life, we are not only living the fruits of past actions but also creating those for tomorrow. Each moment we are preparing ourselves for the lives yet to come. Prarabdha is caused by the actions done in the past. It is only the very self-effort of the past. So, if our Prarabdha be a sorrowful one now, let us do such acts today so that we can now determine or order a happier life for us in the future.

The Law of Destiny does not explain to us how, even while we live the preordained and Prarabdha-controlled pattern of circumstances, we can have in the immediate moments, a freedom to create afresh. This idea is not explained in the Law of Destiny. So it shatters our morale, and a soul-killing defeatist mentality comes to choke us. It takes away the fire, the enthusiasm, the grit in Man and makes him a dull, inactive individual, a mere dumb animal.

A happier morrow is built up only when we live today a Life Divine. Religion has been asking us to entertain and live such values of life so that while living them, we shall be creating an ordered life of fuller joys for the morrow. Not only in this life but also in the next life we shall be able to enjoy the fruits of our Divine actions. Use the main righteous path; avoid the by-lanes, the narrow, thorny, unrighteous path. We must start and constantly keep on to the right path, to reach the Supreme, our Goal. If our course is in the right direction, then we shall certainly reach in time, our destination, the Supreme.

Yet another way of looking at it and coming to the same conclusion is by reviewing life in the light of Time-flow, wherein the future, through the present, is ever becoming the past. Anything that is now in the future must in time arrive to become the presentand erelong should pass on to be the past.

We have already said that human intellect cannot rest without seeking the cause of things. This causation-hunting-urge in us is not generally investigated seriously and thoroughly. If we do so, we shall discover certain facts in it which shall reveal to us the inner meaning and the deeper significances of the Law of Karma.

From the seed the tree comes: the seed is the cause, and the tree is the effect. From cotton, the cloth is made: cotton is the cause, and cloth is the effect. Now, in all conceivable examples the cause is, like the father of a child, anterior, and the effect, like the child born, posterior, with reference to time: father was in existence before the son was born. Cause is thus that which was, and the effect is that which is. The past causes the present; the present will, therefore, cause the future!
In short, it is said that the future is not a mysteryan unknown miracle that man must wait for its stunning revelations. The past modified in the present alone is the future. The things to come are not ordered by a mere continuity of the past it can never be. This freedom to modify the past, and thereby create a future, for the better or worse, is Purushaartha: self-effort.

To illustrate: if down a river, running at 2 miles an hour, a log is floating, then it will also move at the same speed at which the river flows. But supposing, the log is fitted with a motor and manned by an intelligent driver; the log will have an independent movement of itselfno doubt, conditioned by the flow of the river. When the speedometer shows 10 miles an hour, the log will move 12 miles in an hour down the river, and only 8 miles an hour, if it is moving upstream. The flow of the river will always be there; but due to the machine and the intelligence of the driver, the log has developed a limited freedom of movement now. Similarly, the plant and the animal kingdoms move, directed and guided by their natural instincts and mere impulses. But on reaching the human level, man acquires his reasoning capacity and is a captain in his discriminative faculty. Using these two, he can steer the ship of his life safely to his destinationthe Goal, the Ideal.

Viewed carefully, the present in itself has no existence; it is a mingling of the past and the future…the passage of the future to the past is the present. The living present is at once the tomb of the past and the womb of the future. This tomb-womb present has roots going deep into the past and branches spreading around everywhere into the future. To consider, therefore, that the present is but a product of the past is undignified. To think that the future is but a product of the present is unintelligent. There is no slavery; nor is there full freedom. There is limited freedom, which, if intelligently used, can redeem us from all entanglements.

Thus, the Law of Karma, when correctly understood, is the greatest force of vitality in Indian philosophy. It makes us the architects of our own future. We are not helpless pawns in the hands of a mighty tyrant - God - who, it is believed, has created us weak, and fearful to lead our lives of limitations and pains. If we are weak or sorrowful, it is all because of our own willful actions. In our ignorance, we in the past had pursued certain negative values of life, and their fruits have come up now to give us the pattern of circumstances we are living today.

Never mind. Take heart. By living rightly today, the Divine values of love, kindness, tolerance, mercy, etc., we shall order a nobler pattern for our future. By careful self-policing, detect the wrong tendencies in us. Eliminate them through constant and willful effort. Develop Positivity and thus come to be the God of your own future life. Be a GOD!

ॐ  श्री  गुरुनात  महराजकि जै !!!